
The Creator
Polyester Resin, steel, blank canvas

 Doors Series
The door series are a reflection on the inner and outer worlds in which humanity exists, and the interchange that takes place between these worlds. They express the  needs, desires, and longings inherant in everybody. The fleeting moments when two worlds collide, the pull towards something, a bond and unity.
The door series capture these single moments for reflection.

 Artist at work!

Series 1

Series 2

Anything Less Than Brilliant Is Failure.
‘If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.’ Tomas A Edison

Society as a means of unity or separation?
Society: A highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members (

The term Society is generally understood as a uniting force, but it can also be a restrictive one. It binds us and brings us together, but by doing this, it can also limit us from becoming our true selves and finding our own personal identity.

Our own and others expectations, personal insecurities, love, and fears of judgment and failure, often restrict us from exploring the inner self. We become a cocoon of the self, afraid to discover what we are capable of. Only by allowing ourselves to be cut free from these constraints can we really begin to explore who we really are, and what we are looking for.

 In Anything Less Than Brilliant Is Failure, I invite you, the audience, to complete the artwork and your own identity by severing these binds. You are free to cut as much or as little as you want, in any way you feel comfortable, if you choose to take part. When all binds are cut free, the work will be complete.